This release has new features and bug fixes when you run clustered gatekeepers. It also improves the port detection feature and we have a complete and up to date Chinese documentation.
You can download it from
New features:
- new feature GnuGkAssignedGatekeeper to push endpoints back to their intended home gatekeepers in the cluster, even if the endpoints don't support assigned gatekeepers
- support new PBKDF2 password hashes for ssh logins to the status port
- new switches to fine tune port detection for H.239 channels (IgnoreSignaledPublicH239IPsFrom=x and IgnoreSignaledAllH239IPs=1)
- new Chinese manual
Bug fixes:
- select correct source IP for neighbor pings
- set altGKisPermanent=true when redirecting endpoints
- fix RRJ to include alternates when RedirectGK=Endpoints limit is reached
- fix reading of AllowSignaledIPs= switch
- don't complain about [Neighbor::xxx] SendAliases switch when using--strict